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How to choose top affiliate products to Promote on your blog

In our last post, we have talked about what is affiliate marketing and  How to become an Amazon Associates in this post let's talk about choosing the right product for affiliate marketing. Choosing the right product to promote will help you become a successful affiliate marketer.

Many bloggers don’t like to promote affiliate products on their blog as they don’t find it profitable. Many bloggers say that they are not able to sell a single product from their blog and find affiliate marketing is not for them.

If you are thinking this way then you have to think about why you are not able to sell products on your blog. Now you may be thinking about what wrong product is, you are trying to sell the most popular product in the market so how it can be the wrong product.

Affiliate marketing is never about selling the popular product it’s about choosing a popular product from your blog niche. For example, if your blog niche is about the kitchen and you are promoting health on your blog then why people will buy that product even you are promoting a popular health product. Your visitors are not interested in the health they are interested in the kitchen segment product so you should promote a product related to household and kitchen.

Let's have an example, which affiliate products you choose to market, and what medium you use to promote the products will make a significant difference in terms of what you gain from this type of marketing. I always select a product that I use for my day-to-day blogging, and I write tutorials and guides for the use of the product.  This helps to promote the product I’m pitching and gives the prospective buyer the information he needs about the product.

One more thing when you promote a product that is again choosing the right product. You are running the Kitchen product blog and you are promoting affiliate products related to the kitchen but it still may not convert. Yes if your blog is related to the kitchen product and you are promoting a product related to the kitchen but exactly you are writing about and what exactly you are selling. For example, if you have written a great article about the washing machine and on that page, and you are promoting a product related to cooking then how your visitor for that page will find this product interesting. If you have written on “washing product” then you should proa mote product related to “washing” then you will find good conversions for that product. Hope you got my point.

Now come to our question finding Products Related to your Blog Category? 

1 Make A-List

The very first thing that you should consider before you pick a product to be an affiliate is to make a list of all the goods you are interested in marketing. You are likely to come up with a long list depending on the niche you have chosen.

Next, you need to narrow down that list by eliminating those products that will not earn you a good commission. How can you do that? Well, surf the internet for affiliate programs for each product on your list. Look at how much you will earn for each product. For any product that you will be paid lowly, drop it like a hot coal in your hands. Settle for a product on which you will earn good or more revenue per sale.

2. There are many affiliate programs available online and to get the right product can be difficult.
So always try to start with promoting products listed on affiliate networks. This will help you to select the best performing product for your blog.

As you may know, is a popular marketplace to buy, sell, and promote thousands of products and it can be the best place to start promoting affiliate products.

To find a product on Clickbank go to  Clickbank marketplace 

Here you will find categories menu in left click on category related to your blog niche, here I am choosing Home & garden category as above I have given example related to the kitchen.

You will find the product list sorted by popularity. High gravity score means that product is popular in that category. Now it doesn’t mean that the product with high gravity can be profitable to promote you have still not found product related to your niche

Click Bank Gravity Score

you will find various related products related to your keyword with Gravity score etc. But this list is not sorted according to popularity; it is listed according to keyword relevancy. Now you have to check the product with good gravity score or more relevant to your blog niche.
You can also choose a subcategory from the main category section but it may not show the exact product you are searching for.

3. Join individually different affiliate programs  

Yes, this is also a good option to join different affiliate programs like Amazon associates and promote there product on your blog which is related to your blog category this will be also a good option.
You can choose the best category and inside that a subcategory that suits your blog page.

Remember When you sign up for any affiliate program, here are some factors which you should consider:

Available banners
Promotional matters
Affiliate control panel
Minimum Payout
Payment method
Tax form required or not
These factors will help you to decide if you are ready to promote this particular product. Suppose, for example, that you select a seasonal product, and its minimum payout is Rs50000. Are you sure you will be able to achieve that much in terms of conversions in that particular season?

Note Always Associate with Top brands that will be an advantage to your affiliate marketing initiative.

Critical Note: Don't simply search for a high associate item. In the event that one item is paying 50% to its member and the other is paying just 30% at that point don't simply pick an item which is paying 50%. Go inside and out and pick the extraordinary item regardless of whether that item is paying less to an offshoot, however, it is with great change then it very well may be increasingly productive for you. 

I am sitting tight for your affiliate sales and in the event that you are getting a few or not then please share your experience with us.


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